We have been so busy working on new features and moving Dynamic IDX into new areas, that we have not had the time to post. Today I was asked by one of our designers to read a post she had written based on some stats from a site she just recently moved from one of our competitors platforms.
Agents are always asking me, "what does Dynamic IDX offer that will make me stand out from the other Real Estate websites?" Well in a word "Traffic". I could spend hours writing up the perfect blog for you to read, but I believe the proof is in the reality of a clients site and how well their site performs after moving from one of our competitors platforms to ours.
If you have a moment, take a look at this post and make your own conclusions. We do hope you enjoy. If you want to learn more about Dynamic IDX, take a moment to watch this video and see just how much power $80.00 a month will buy you.
Thank You.
Executive Director/Developer
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