Details First Name: * Last Name: * Email: * Phone Number (in case we need to contact someone about this domain change) * Domain InformationCurrent Live Domain (the domain name that is currently viewed by the public) * Example: .Current Live Domain OptionsWhat to do with your current live domain? * -Please Select- 1) Delete it. I have no use for it. 2) Keep it. I want to use it for email only. 3) Keep it. I want to use it for website forwarding ($25/year).. 4) Keep it. I want to use it for website forwarding and email ($25/year). 5) I am unsure about these options, or my situation isn't mentioned here. Please contact me. For the question above, if you need to keep your current live domain for website forwarding, what website do you want to forward it to?New Domain (The domain name you want to change to) * Example: We will automatically redirect to http://www.newdomain.comTimingWhen do you want this domain change to take place? * As soon as possible.On a certain dateIf you selected a certain date, when is this date?NotesPlease provide any special instructions.Charges Warning– For new clients and new domains, we no longer host email. If you want to host email on either of these domains, we recommend G Suite by Google (formerly Google Apps). DynamicIDX offers services to move/setup email hosting with G Suite..A service ticket will be generated for this work order and we will post a quote as soon as possible. Simple domain name changes usually cost about $150.00. More complex requests may cost more. * Yes, I agree.No, I don't agree.Phone_faxPhone_cellName_altNickNickname honeypotspinner Submit Reset
We will automatically redirect to